Friday, August 17, 2007

A Bang up Year

Usually at this time of year, I do a review of the past year of my life. Tomorrow's my birthday, but this year, I haven't thought more than twice about it. This is partly due to our impending move and departure. When we get on the train Monday that takes us to Illinois for the plane on Wednesday, we'll have nothing but the bags on our backs. That seems rather far away at the moment.

And all this transitory preparation is going on in our un-airconditioned upstairs apartment. So, you'd think a mid-day writing session in the library would be justified, but folks, I should be packing.

Enough on that, though. My birthday usually gets me thinking about the past year. And that thinking usually leads to melancholy thoughts on accomplishments or lack thereof in the last year. Then thoughts on aging, and well, dying. This year, if I've had a moment to think on it, everything's fine. I mean, I wrote a handful of songs, got a good start on writing an opera, buried my Daddy without losing my mind, and got married to Jim. That's a bang up year, if you ask me.
Maybe 28 will be boring as hell, but atleast I'm starting it with an "extended honeymoon" in Asia.

Asia. China. The Middle Kingdom. The mysterious Red East.

Not so mysterious anymore, right? China's in the spotlight every day, it seems. Four years have passed since I was there. I've heard the growth and change there is staggering. I can't wait to see how it has changed. And how it's stayed the same. I'm dying to try out my Mandarin again, eat some hot pot, sweat in the street, cool down with hot tea, fight the crowds, hold my own in the market, eat tasteless porridge early in the morning with locals, and bargain for a hotel room, among many many other things.

But it ain't just Mao country for me this time. Thailand awaits. And that's to follow Vietnam and Laos. All three are new to me. And I'll be with my darling husband, a man of many wonders, languages, various knot-tying skills, and gorgeous photos.

But for now, I'm back to the sweltering apartment for packing and organizing. Maybe a cold beer this afternoon?


Chris and Stephanie said...

Melancholy. I think you nailed it on the head. Chris and I just got home from what may very well be our last trip for 2007.

Los Angelas, Washington D.C., Jamaica, New York City, and the Great Rocky Mountains.

You would think that would be enough traveling, but thankfully we have the two of you that understand our need for it.

It is bitter-sweet though, as we will miss the travels, but will have time for some much needed "honey-dos." Remodeling the bathroom is next on the agenda.

But thankfully we have you, your blog, and your pictures to get us through to our next trip.

We love you, are so proud of you, can't wait to hear your stories, and even more, to see you when you get home.

When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable. - Clifton Fadiman

David said...
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Porcupine Winter said...

son of a bitch, i can't believe i missed your birthday...i think i'll go flush my head in the library toilet for punishment.
and i created this just so i can comment here and there and pretend i have a direct line to you guys in some way. i'll be anticipating your return and i expect to see the both of you in Kansas City.
take my spare room why don't ya.

Porcupine Winter said...

oh yeah, this is Cade, by the way

dad and mom in indiana said...

Hey kids! Great to hear from you'll. We love hearing about your adventures, and are looking forward to hear from you again. With love always, Dad and Mom from Indiana

rebstar said...

dearest mr. and mrs.,
i am JUST NOW (9/4) sitting down to absorb every word on this beautiful blog.
i'm so happy you're writing...but even happier you are with one another, married at last, traveling, and no doubt having the time of your lives.
love you so much.
p.s. bonsai, i hope you got your bday card before you left. :)