Thursday, September 20, 2007


I am very thankful for my Arkansas upbringing when I travel.

First off, people I meet on international travels usually know Arkansas because of Bill Clinton. His name always brings a smile to the conversation, no matter what the reason. He seems to be well-liked overseas. I'm always glad for a positive connection with local folks and little ole Arkansas.

Also, wicked Asian bathrooms would be intolerable if I hadn't periodically dealt with truck stops in West Memphis as a girl. Or septic tanks at my Daddy's log cabin. Or a pile or rotting cow carcasses at my Papa's farm. (Let's let bygones be bygones on that one.)

If I step in animal shit on the road while turning down a tuk tuk driver and dodging a tractor, I think, "What in hell would I do if I hadn't grown up in Arkansas?".

Here's a nod to city folk who lack rural sensibility and venture out here to Asia anyway.
I salute you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jim, bonnie:

getting to your blog, late, it seems. I was asking my progeny about you and got this blog address. Nice to see you are having fun (mostly).

love you guys...

Paul & Stella
p.s. hope to catch up w/ you some day, if ever in south/west/central Arkieland...